We are a part of a movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society.
Since 1993
Since 1993, we’ve been equipping young leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission through the local church. God is changing lives and he’s changing countries. We are honored to be a part of his mission.
Jesus is changing lives
Jesus is changing lives
Two Years of His Faithfulness
I am embarrassed to say that for the majority of my life, I have instinctively avoided hard things. I would challenge myself, but only in ways that I felt confident that I would be strong enough to handle. Yet, on February 24, 2022, I awoke to the reality of war in Ukraine—the country where I live and that I love. My old tactic to avoid, by God’s grace, was not enough. Learning to remain and stay in the “hard” has…
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We serve in 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe where the suppression of the church over the course of the last century prevented it from thriving.
We serve in 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe where the suppression of the church over the course of the last century prevented it from thriving.
We serve in 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe where the suppression of the church over the course of the last century prevented it from thriving.
We serve in 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe where the suppression of the church over the course of the last century prevented it from thriving.
Of the 373 missionaries on staff, more than two thirds of them are Europeans serving in their own countries.
Of the 373 missionaries on staff, more than two thirds of them are Europeans serving in their own countries.
Of the 373 missionaries on staff, more than two thirds of them are Europeans serving in their own countries.
Of the 373 missionaries on staff, more than two thirds of them are Europeans serving in their own countries.
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Listen to inspiring stories from the mission field shared by our missionaries.
Listen to inspiring stories from the mission field shared by our missionaries.
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See how our ministry resources can equip you in your ministry context.
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Event Media
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Watch entire Josiah Venture conferences focused on spiritual growth and youth ministry.
Watch entire Josiah Venture conferences focused on spiritual growth and youth ministry.